The Economy of Storage

The Economy of Storage

Economy in storage products and practices is a necessity that must be woven into present day lab operations and more importantly, planned for the future. In Histopathology laboratories, as in most labs, there are specimens, records, documents, etc., that are all a...
Reorganizing the Small Stuff

Reorganizing the Small Stuff

During this season of viral pandemic crisis, we see healthcare being affected in numerous different ways; none more obvious than a reduction in non-essential surgeries, outpatient services, and physician office appointments. Subsequently this has grossly affected...
The Unseen Heros of Healthcare

The Unseen Heros of Healthcare

The laboratory technologist is one of the seldom heard of or acknowledged of healthcare workers. In the hospital, the physicians, the nurses, even the custodial staff servicing the rooms; they are all seen and acknowledged for what they do. Yet the laboratory...